Sunburn? Here’s What to Do!

Posted on August 22, 2023
While we spend the summer months enjoying all our favorite outdoor activities, it is essential to stay aware of your sun exposure and the harmful UV rays.The Importance of Firework Safety

Posted on June 14, 2023
What’s more exciting than watching fireworks on a warm summer night? It’s no lie that fireworks are an adrenaline rush. Safety measures should be taken from the smallest to the largest of fireworks.Ouch, What Bit Me?

Posted on June 12, 2023
Summer brings camping, hiking, pool days, and barbecues, and unfortunately, there are usually pesky insects not too far away. Many of them are harmless and won’t bother you, while others see you as their next meal.Dry Needling vs. Acupuncture

Posted on May 08, 2023
At first glance, dry needling and acupuncture may look very similar. Both techniques insert needles into strategic parts of the body in an effort to reduce pain and accelerate the recovery process.Causes and Tips for Surviving Allergy Season

Posted on April 26, 2023
Many of us experience seasonal allergies at least once, if not twice yearly. Being from the Midwest, we typically get excited as our seasons change as they bring such different environments. Along with these temperature changes comes the freezing and thawing of the outdoors.Know the Difference Between Strep Throat and a Sore Throat

Posted on April 07, 2023
We’ve all felt that scratchy, tingly, burning feeling in our throats. This feeling can make everyday things like talking, chewing, swallowing, or even breathing seem extremely difficult. So how do you tell if you have strep throat or a sore throat?
The Benefits of Having a Family Medicine Doctor for Your Whole Family

Posted on February 01, 2023
Family Doctors cater to several different needs rather than one specific specialty. They provide comprehensive continuity of care throughout your life, regardless of age.What You Need to Know About RSV in Children and Adults

Posted on January 11, 2023
How do you know if you have Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV or the common cold? While many of the symptoms are the same, keeping a close eye on those with a weakened immune system is vital. Unfortunately, RSV can become a more severe illness since it is a lung infection.New Year. New You. Right?

Posted on December 30, 2022
Many of us start the New Year extremely motivated to work on ourselves. However, many of us need help to maintain these goals as the months go by. What we subconsciously don’t realize is that we are setting such high expectations for ourselves without the proper structure on how to reach them.5 Questions With Dr. Shah

Posted on December 21, 2022
Dr. Syed Shah is an FACP, Internal Medicine Certified physician who works closely with Sioux Falls Urgent Care and uses his years of specialty experience to provide patients with individualized care.Is It Frostbite?

Posted on December 21, 2022
If you’re from the Midwest, you’ve probably heard of someone who has gotten frostbite. The conditions for frostbite usually happen in cold, windy places. What is frostbite, how can you avoid it, and are there long-term effects if you ever get it?What Is the New Normal Post-COVID-19?

Posted on March 23, 2022
Remember the magic of a snow day? In the morning you woke to snow flying and piling high, right up to that border between fun and dangerous. And then Mom confirmed what you yearned for like a present on Christmas morning: no school today.Don’t Make a Healthy Resolution. Build a Habit: Here’s How.

Posted on January 17, 2022
This new year, let’s break the habit of unfulfilled resolutions and create healthy habits that will give you the power to be your best self.The Flu Vaccine: Your Best Shot at Avoiding Illness

Posted on December 10, 2021
By now, you’re probably tired of hearing about getting your flu shot or vaccines of any kind: either because you’ve already gotten yours, or you’re not someone who feels inclined to do so.The Three Vitamins You’re Not Thinking About. But Should.

Posted on December 03, 2021
Eating healthy can be tough. Let’s be real. Not everyone has the time to set a proper eating schedule, prepare meals, or count their calorie/nutrient intake. These days, everything is on the go. Even health. To make up for improper eating, many of us get a quick fix on necessary nutrients through vitamins.Help Yourself to Health This Fall: Your Toolkit

Posted on November 19, 2021
It’s that time of year again. Do you sense it? The crunching leaves beneath your feet. The crisp cool air that always makes your throat slightly dry. The north wind that sends chills down your spine. That unceasing sound of sniffling noses that plagues the airwaves with coughs not far behind. That all-too-common fatigue that follows. Those chills that grow so intense that your muscles start to ache. And like the whipped cream on your hot coca going bad, your head spirals with a fever.Bell Rung: When to Suspect a Sports Concussion, and When to Bring Them In

Posted on November 09, 2021
It’s the day of the big football game with two minutes left in the Fourth Quarter. You’re the star quarterback and the crowd hypes you up as you make your way onto the field. The score is tied 14-14. Both teams are in their starting positions. You brace behind your center, who is ready to snap you the ball. You yell, “HUT!”, and the ball flies into your hands. Your eyes dart around the field searching for the next open player – WHAM!Is that Cough COVID-19? How to Know and What to Do?

Posted on October 29, 2021
It was late composer and alto saxophonist Leon Konitz who once said, “I wish that person outside would stop coughing.” He was responding to a concert attendee whose cough was so loud that you could hear it outside the concert venue - over his performance. While some find coughing annoying, others shrug it off like its white noise. Some even get startled and scared by how sporadic coughing can be. These days, in the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s usually the latter – but for an entirely different reason.
Beyond the Mask: Everyday Choices Can Help Protect You from COVID-19

Posted on October 07, 2021
The world has changed. You wake up, you get dressed, put your shoes on, and you hit a wall. Not literally. We have a different blog for that. This wall stops you dead in your tracks and forces you to ask “what can I do even do today?”
Three Ways You’re Going to Hurt Yourself After the Pandemic

Posted on August 19, 2021
It has been a crazy year filled with ups and downs. Be sure to know what to do and how to better prepare for physical activity after the pandemic.
COVID-19 Travel Updates & Recommendations

Posted on April 01, 2021
Steps for Getting Rid of a Fever

Posted on December 22, 2020
A healthy body temperature often fluctuates throughout the day, but there are certain thresholds you don’t want to pass. If you do, you’re entering into fever territory.
5 Tips for Avoiding the Flu

Posted on November 24, 2020
The last thing you’ll want to deal with this season is the flu. And odds are… you’ll catch it if you don’t do something about it.
How to Tell the Difference between a Cold, Influenza and the Flu

Posted on November 12, 2020
The common cold, influenza and the stomach flu. We’ll show you how to treat and avoid these illnesses, so your season can be merry and bright.
3 Myths About the Flu Shot

Posted on October 27, 2020
Misinformation about the flu can be almost as dangerous as the flu itself: the flu can be fatal for people with compromised immune systems, or the very young, or the very old.
Is it Allergies or COVID-19?

Posted on October 21, 2020
Because of the wide variety of symptoms, it’s easy to mistake allergies for COVID-19 (or vice versa). We’re here to squash any doubt about these two ailments.
How to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season

Posted on September 29, 2020
The cold and flu season will be here before we know it but because of the global pandemic, here are ways to prepare for the upcoming cold and flu season.
Is it Allergies or a Cold?

Posted on September 18, 2020
Colds and allergies produce many of the same symptoms – this is why they are often misdiagnosed. Learn how to know which is which.
Lower Back Pain: Causes and Relief

Posted on September 01, 2020
There’re two types of people on earth… those with backpain and those without. Don’t take your back pain lightly.
Ankle Injuries: Breaks and Sprains

Posted on August 25, 2020
Fall is just around the corner which means it’s important to learn about common injuries and how to prevent them, including ankle injuries.
Symptoms of Heatstroke

Posted on August 20, 2020
Have you ever been outside for such a long period of time that you actually started to feel sick? Then you've probably experienced a heatstroke.
Sprains, Bruises, and Stings: Summertime First Aid

Posted on August 06, 2020
3 Myths of Viruses Debunked

Posted on June 30, 2020
Here are the three most common myths associated with COVID-19.
Tips for an Effective Sanitizing Campaign Against Viruses and Bacteria

Posted on June 25, 2020
Here are 5 tips on how to better sanitize yourself and your home against viruses and bacteria.
COVID-19, Allergies, or a Cold? First Steps for Determining Illness

Posted on May 29, 2020
It doesn’t help that common sickness symptoms are similar to the coronavirus symptoms. We’ll go over the differences between the coronavirus, the common cold and seasonal allergies.
Viral Defense: A Guide to Viruses and How to Protect Your Family.

Posted on May 19, 2020
Knowing how viruses work can be of extreme value and help you take the appropriate precautions in order to keep you and your family safe.
Recommendations on Responding to COVID-19

Posted on May 11, 2020
As a healthcare provider, we wanted to offer up our advice to keep you and your family, friends and neighbors safe from COVID-19.
Aches, Pains & Inflammations: Know Your Treatment Options

Posted on January 15, 2020
Learn the differences among aches, pains and inflammations and your treatment options for aches, pains & inflammations.
A Guide to Winter Sports & Common Associated Injuries

Posted on January 02, 2020
More than 220,000 people were treated at hospitals, doctors’ offices and emergency rooms for injuries related to winter sports in 2017. Learn how to be safe out there!
Useful Kitchen Safety Tips for the Holidays

Posted on December 19, 2019
Enjoy your holidays with these useful kitchen safety tips.