Your Guide to Common Medical Lab Tests & What They Measure

Posted on December 12, 2019
If you think you could benefit from a lab test, due to your family’s history, your lifestyle or the environment in which you’re living, don’t put it off.
Why Do People Get Sick When the Seasons Change?

Posted on November 18, 2019
The seasonal flu virus spreads effortlessly from person to person and here’s why we tend to get sick when the seasons change.
The Definitive List of First-Aid Kit Supplies

Posted on October 07, 2019
Whether you’re off-roading in the mountains, going on a family trip to the beach or prepping for the winter, having a well-stocked first-aid kit can be extraordinarily useful.
Why Get the Flu Shot?

Posted on September 30, 2019
Before the flu spreads this season, make sure you’re well-versed on why you should get the flu shot.
Bacterial vs. Viral Meningitis: What Parents Need to Know

Posted on August 29, 2019
Summer is ending and the back to school season is here. That is why it’s important to learn and combat the dangers of meningitis, a disease that can affect anyone at any time.
A Back-to-School Healthcare Checklist

Posted on August 22, 2019
About 56.6 million students will attend school in the United States this fall, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. That’s a lot of kids… and a lot of germs. Schools should be a place of education and personal growth.
Win-Win: Common Sports Injury Causes and Prevention

Posted on July 25, 2019
When done properly, exercise is a great way to stay healthy. Whether you work out every day or are a weekend warrior of the sports world, you need to be aware of what injuries could arise.
Boating Safety Tips

Posted on July 25, 2019
Summer is a time for outdoor fun and games both on land and on the water. Boat rides are a summertime favorite of many people. But how do you know you’re ready for a safe day of boating? Most people know that sunscreen is a must, but there are a few more
Junk Food Reality Check: How it Affects Your Body and Brain

Posted on July 17, 2019
It’s no secret that regular physical activity can have a dramatic impact on your overall health, but living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t stop there. Another major component of the health equation is the food (fuel) you put into your body.
What’s the Buzz? Everything You Need to Know About West Nile Virus

Posted on July 17, 2019
Summer is well under way, which means many people are swapping the extra jacket in their bags for a bottle of sunscreen and a can of bug spray. The sunscreen will help you avoid a nasty sunburn, but the bug spray is the real summertime MVP.
Healthy Life Hack: How Staying Active Keeps You from Getting Sick

Posted on July 15, 2019
All About the Measles

Posted on May 14, 2019
Read on to learn more about the measles and how to protect yourself and your family.
Does That Cut Require Stitches?

Posted on April 30, 2019
We’re all human and, with that, come everyday cuts and scrapes. Whether you slip cutting vegetables in the kitchen, catch your arm on a nail in the garage or trip and scrape your knee, it can be tough to determine how serious the cut is and whether or not it will require stitches.
Is Urgent Care the Same as Acute Care?

Posted on April 03, 2019
“Urgent Care” versus “Acute Care,” what’s the difference? The answer is simple: there isn’t one! These are two different names for the same type of clinic.
What Are the Danger Signs of Pneumonia?

Posted on March 25, 2019
We’ve all been there: you wake up, you feel awful, but you aren’t sure how serious your sickness is. Do you have a cough? Fever? Shortness of breath? Ifso, you may be dealing with pneumonia. Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lungs that can become se
Whooping Cough: What You Need to Know

Posted on February 08, 2019
Pertussis, often referred to as “whooping cough,” is a severe, but easily preventable, bacterial infection of the upper respiratory system. The infection is extremely contagious, spreading from person to person through coughing and sneezing.
Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital Honors Service of Dr. Vaughn Meyer
Posted on December 27, 2018
Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital mourns the passing of former associate, Dr. Vaughn Meyer, and offers condolences to the Meyer family and friends.
5 Ways to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays

Posted on December 11, 2018
The holiday season is one of the happiest times of the year. With the combination of friends, family and fun bringing up the mood, the last thing you want is an unexpected visit to the hospital or weeks of sickness following the season’s festivities.
(Cough) What are the Symptoms of Bronchitis? (Cough)

Posted on December 04, 2018
Growing up, you may have heard people refer to bronchitis as a “chest cold.” This is because bronchitis is characterized as inflammation in the lungs, which causes chest discomfort and has similar symptoms to viral illnesses.
Heavy Lifting: Snow Shoveling Can Land You in Urgent Care

Posted on November 15, 2018
A fresh layer of fallen snow is a beautiful sight to behold, but it can also pose a serious risk to your health if you don’t take the proper precautions. Learn more about how to protect your health while shoveling snow this with this safe shoveling checklist.
5 Signs You May Have Strep Throat

Posted on November 08, 2018
Strep throat is a bacterial infection that is common in children but can affect people at any age. While the infection is usually harmless, in extreme cases, it can lead to complications such as rheumatic fever, ear infections, sinusitis and scarlet fever.
Broken or Sprained: 5 Ways to Tell

Posted on October 18, 2018
You don’t know what’s wrong, but you know it hurts. This is the case for many people who suffer from sprained and broken joints. Without the proper training, it’s difficult to know for sure, so we’ve provided 5 signs to help you figure out what’s wrong qui
6 Possible Causes of Ear Pain

Posted on October 12, 2018
An earache is an awful thing to endure. At Urgent Care, we understand that ear pain can be unrelenting and often makes it nearly impossible to focus. We’ve compiled a list of 6 possible causes for ear pain to help you understand your earache, take steps to
Flu Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Posted on September 20, 2018
Is it the flu or a stomach bug? The two can be similar, but vomiting doesn’t necessarily mean you have the flu. It’s impossible for sure whether you have the flu from symptoms alone. Check out our list of common flu symptoms below to know whether or not yo
Don’t “Walk It Off”: 5 ankle and foot injuries you shouldn’t ignore

Posted on September 13, 2018
Have you ever been told to “walk it off” after suffering from a foot or ankle injury? Ignoring injuries this complex and critical part of your body can lead to complications, chronic pain, and immobility. Check out our list of 5 ankle and foot injures you
5 Things to Expect at Your Child’s Walk-In Sports Physical

Posted on August 23, 2018
The school year is here! With it comes to class, homework, and after-school sports. Has your child gotten their sports physical yet? If not, we’ve got a list of things to expect so you don’t get blindsided going into this year’s sports physical.
Parents’ Guide to Back to School Physicals

Posted on August 09, 2018
It’s that time of year again. Many families schedule their children’s physicals before the kids head back to school, but—with school physicals being so infrequent—it can be hard to remember exactly what to expect.
Should You Visit Urgent Care for Back Pain?

Posted on August 01, 2018
Whether you pulled something at the gym, overdid it working on the yard, or simply woke up one morning stiff and sore – back pain has many potential causes. Many people try to “tough it out,” but there’s no reason to let back pain keep you from enjoying life.
Top 5 Reasons to Visit Sioux Falls Urgent Care Instead of the ER

Posted on June 28, 2018
We’ve all been there – an unexpected fall, a high fever, maybe an ache or pain that leaves us worried and wanting to see a doctor immediately. But it’s after normal office hours. What to do?
Not So Fun-In-The-Sun: 5 Urgent Care Visits to Avoid This Summer

Posted on June 15, 2018
School is out, the sun is shining, outdoor fun is in full swing … and so is the summer injury and illness season.
6 Tips for Taking Young Children to Urgent Care

Posted on June 13, 2018
Urgent cares can be convenient when young children come down with minor illnesses, infections, sprains and strains. Ready to make your visit as smooth as possible?
Food Poisoning or Stomach Bug: 3 Ways To Tell

Posted on May 18, 2018
The stomach flu and food poisoning share nearly identical symptoms. The key to knowing which one you’re dealing with is understanding how each condition is different.
What Is Urgent Care and Why Use One In Sioux Falls

Posted on May 18, 2018
From sprains and colds to imaging and blood tests, learn more about the benefits of Urgent Care - and how to find the right fit for your needs.
Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital To Open Sioux Falls Urgent Care On December 4th
Posted on November 18, 2017
WorkFORCE Adds Second Sioux Falls Location
Posted on December 06, 2016
WorkFORCE Occupational Health and Medical Services, a division of Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital, is pleased to announce the opening of its second location in Sioux Falls at 4928 N. Cliff Ave.
Midwest Pain Center Recognized for Excellence as APEX Quality Award Winner
Posted on November 15, 2016
Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital is proud to announce that Midwest Pain Centers was recently named a winner of the 2015/2016 National APEX Quality Award by SPH Analytics (SPHA).
SFSH Acquires Prairie States Surgical Center
Posted on September 29, 2016
Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital is proud to announce that it has purchased Prairie States Surgical Center, an independent Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) located at 2910 E. 26th Street in Sioux Falls.
SFSH Honored with 5-Star Rating in Patient Survey
Posted on August 01, 2016
Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital is proud to announce that it recently received a 5-Star Rating from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey (HCAHPS) for 2016.