Physical injury
Dry Needling vs. Acupuncture

Posted on May 08, 2023
At first glance, dry needling and acupuncture may look very similar. Both techniques insert needles into strategic parts of the body in an effort to reduce pain and accelerate the recovery process.Bell Rung: When to Suspect a Sports Concussion, and When to Bring Them In

Posted on November 09, 2021
It’s the day of the big football game with two minutes left in the Fourth Quarter. You’re the star quarterback and the crowd hypes you up as you make your way onto the field. The score is tied 14-14. Both teams are in their starting positions. You brace behind your center, who is ready to snap you the ball. You yell, “HUT!”, and the ball flies into your hands. Your eyes dart around the field searching for the next open player – WHAM!Three Ways You’re Going to Hurt Yourself After the Pandemic

Posted on August 19, 2021
It has been a crazy year filled with ups and downs. Be sure to know what to do and how to better prepare for physical activity after the pandemic.
Lower Back Pain: Causes and Relief

Posted on September 01, 2020
There’re two types of people on earth… those with backpain and those without. Don’t take your back pain lightly.
Ankle Injuries: Breaks and Sprains

Posted on August 25, 2020
Fall is just around the corner which means it’s important to learn about common injuries and how to prevent them, including ankle injuries.
Sprains, Bruises, and Stings: Summertime First Aid

Posted on August 06, 2020
Aches, Pains & Inflammations: Know Your Treatment Options

Posted on January 15, 2020
Learn the differences among aches, pains and inflammations and your treatment options for aches, pains & inflammations.
A Guide to Winter Sports & Common Associated Injuries

Posted on January 02, 2020
More than 220,000 people were treated at hospitals, doctors’ offices and emergency rooms for injuries related to winter sports in 2017. Learn how to be safe out there!
The Definitive List of First-Aid Kit Supplies

Posted on October 07, 2019
Whether you’re off-roading in the mountains, going on a family trip to the beach or prepping for the winter, having a well-stocked first-aid kit can be extraordinarily useful.
Win-Win: Common Sports Injury Causes and Prevention

Posted on July 25, 2019
When done properly, exercise is a great way to stay healthy. Whether you work out every day or are a weekend warrior of the sports world, you need to be aware of what injuries could arise.
Boating Safety Tips

Posted on July 25, 2019
Summer is a time for outdoor fun and games both on land and on the water. Boat rides are a summertime favorite of many people. But how do you know you’re ready for a safe day of boating? Most people know that sunscreen is a must, but there are a few more
Does That Cut Require Stitches?

Posted on April 30, 2019
We’re all human and, with that, come everyday cuts and scrapes. Whether you slip cutting vegetables in the kitchen, catch your arm on a nail in the garage or trip and scrape your knee, it can be tough to determine how serious the cut is and whether or not it will require stitches.
Heavy Lifting: Snow Shoveling Can Land You in Urgent Care

Posted on November 15, 2018
A fresh layer of fallen snow is a beautiful sight to behold, but it can also pose a serious risk to your health if you don’t take the proper precautions. Learn more about how to protect your health while shoveling snow this with this safe shoveling checklist.
Broken or Sprained: 5 Ways to Tell

Posted on October 18, 2018
You don’t know what’s wrong, but you know it hurts. This is the case for many people who suffer from sprained and broken joints. Without the proper training, it’s difficult to know for sure, so we’ve provided 5 signs to help you figure out what’s wrong qui
Don’t “Walk It Off”: 5 ankle and foot injuries you shouldn’t ignore

Posted on September 13, 2018
Have you ever been told to “walk it off” after suffering from a foot or ankle injury? Ignoring injuries this complex and critical part of your body can lead to complications, chronic pain, and immobility. Check out our list of 5 ankle and foot injures you
Should You Visit Urgent Care for Back Pain?

Posted on August 01, 2018
Whether you pulled something at the gym, overdid it working on the yard, or simply woke up one morning stiff and sore – back pain has many potential causes. Many people try to “tough it out,” but there’s no reason to let back pain keep you from enjoying life.